I'm running the 114th Boston Marathon to help others reach their personal finish lines-get into college, graduate and to GO FAR in life! Be a part of the journey!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

11 Mile Run!

Location: Boston, MA
Route: 11 miles along the Charles River

Saturday morning, the Boston Marathon coalition had an unofficial team run.  We met at the usual Revolution Gym in Boston.  Our route was along the Charles River, it was an out and back run to Weeks Bridge. At 8am, it was 21 degrees, sunny, with a brisk wind, which was stronger along the river. The route was narrow and many times icy, luckily I did not slip.  It was encouraging to see many other runners out for a morning run.   I got very tired around mile 9, probably because I was running faster than I intended.  The worry that kept going through my mind was that I was going to get another parking ticket because my meter ran out of time.  So, I ran a 9:50m/mile, when I was trying to run 10:30min/mile to reserve my energy. I wanted to run walk the last couple of miles, but once I slowed down, pain in my feet and any generated heat would just dissipate. After I finished, I had a migraine that lasted the day/night.  I drank so much water throughout the day, but it probably wasn't enough. I wouldn't say it was a bad run, it was really nice out.  It was challenging fighting the cold, wind, and blinded by sun.  I know I need to do more weight lifting in my legs and back because I was hunching over.  Bad posture leads to injuries.


A few days ago, I found out I got into the NYC Half Marathon on March 21, 2010! I ran it two summers ago and it was my very first half marathon.  Central Park has several inclines, which I didn't prepare in my training.  Now, I know what to expect with this run and can better prepare.  It was such a fun experience, I look forward to running it again, and hopefully beat my previous time!

Here are some photos from my run.

Starting my run on the Esplanade.

Somewhere between mile 9-10 along the Cambridge side of the river. The light was blinding!

Boston and the snow covered Charles River.

Running to the Revolution Gym at the end of my run.

Bostonian walking her dogs.

Comm. Ave

Public Gardens were barren.

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