I'm running the 114th Boston Marathon to help others reach their personal finish lines-get into college, graduate and to GO FAR in life! Be a part of the journey!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Goals. Thank You. Fundraising

I am currently in Pittsburgh Airport patiently waiting for my plane to take me back to Boston.  I want to take a moment to reflect on the past few days.  At my recent Team Go Far meeting, I found out I am in 2nd place for getting most donors, which means, I have been spreading the word to as many people as possible.  In part to receiving so many donations, I give a BIG SHOUT OUT TO JOE JOHNSON for being my Rush Chair in muscling support out of our friends :-)  I appreciate all the help I can get.  I want to say THANK YOU to Jen Hiller! The Hills donation pushed me closer to my fundraising goal :-)  Thank You John and Ann Miller for your wonderful contribution sent to The Bottom Line!! 

This has been a great week receiving all the help.  You all have no idea how much this means to me, esp. since I am about 5 weeks away from reaching the finish line of the Boston Marathon, being plagued with all sorts of injuries.  I rest, yet restless because my mind really wants to get a great workout, but my legs refuse to move faster than a slow walk. Sigh.  At times I can feel my muscles pulsate in pain, that I actually look forward to icing my lower half of my body in my bath tub when I get home.  Hope is what I have now, hope to finish well, and hope to raise a lot of money. 

On another note, my new personal goal is to get as many donors as possible to edge out the competition (Sara Cooney :-P).  The prize to get the most donors is to have my friends/family meet me at the best spot on the Boston Marathon finish line.  These are coveted spots that I really want to earn.  I am hoping to get my Dad to come up from Texas and be a part of the journey.   We'll see...

I am boarding in a moment, thanks for following along.

Quote of the Day: Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.  ~Ambrose Redmoon

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