I'm running the 114th Boston Marathon to help others reach their personal finish lines-get into college, graduate and to GO FAR in life! Be a part of the journey!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Thank You Coutu Family!

Mr and Mrs Coutu, Max, Grace and Ethan, THANK YOU for your support and for contributing to my cause!!! I came home from the gym tonight, got the mail and found your wonderful gift.  I hope to be a great role model to you kids, that with hard work and dedication, you can reach your goals!  

You vs. Yourself

While I was running on the treadmill today, I noticed a guy' t-shirt said, "You vs. Yourself", it made me think of how far I have come in my training; and how much more I have to go.
Tonight, I completed 6 miles on a stationary bike for 26 minutes.  Then I completed a tempo run, which was a 10 minute warm up at 10:30 min/mile, then launched into the tempo run.  It lasted 35 minutes at a 9:25 min/mile, at a 0.5 incline.
For a tempo run, you run at your 10k pace.  For the past year, my 10k pace was 10:00/mile, which for me has been horrible due to my injuries. 

During the run, I started to visualize running the marathon.  Visualizing my runs or races helps me mentally prepare for what is to come and psychs me up.  My mind went to the middle of the race, again before reaching Heartbreak Hill.  I could feel my adrenaline surging through my veins, I felt so fast and the run felt effortless!    After this work out, I know I have improved in my speed!!  I owe it to doing hills and weight lifting.   I feel I could have gone faster, but I didn't want to push myself too hard.  Afterward, I did some weights for upper body and a 10 min. ab workout. I left the gym at 8:15pm and felt elated!  I am beating the person I was yesterday, the person I was a year ago.  

 Quote of the Day:

"Goals.There's not telling what you can do when you get 
inspired by them. There's no telling what you can do when
you believe in them. There's no telling what will happen when
you act upon them.' 

Jim Rohn


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