I'm running the 114th Boston Marathon to help others reach their personal finish lines-get into college, graduate and to GO FAR in life! Be a part of the journey!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Thank You Will Peters!!

The Boston marathon for Alexis to run
With an important cause to help someone
She’ll have to train through little sun
Never stopping till she’s done

To your mission I will donate
Because I think the cause is great
I hope you’re watching what you ate
And to your workouts you are not late

Remember to stay dedicated to it
And continue to get strong and fit
Your accomplishments will be a hit
And remember… NEVER QUIT!

Will, I love the poem and most importantly, for your support to the Bottom Line!!! This week is full of obstacles to overcome such as the holiday frenzy brought on stress, reaching my Christmas Challenge, plateauing in my workouts (already!), and I felt I lost focus of my end goal.  Your tremendous support and wise words :-) help get me "back in the zone", for that, I THANK YOU for helping me along on this adventure.     

I raised: $1,640.00!!!!  

"To get what you've never had, you must do what you've never done." – Anonymous

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